New Bedford Regional Airport – Reconstruction of Runway 14-32
The New Bedford Regional Airport (EWB) is an FAA Part 139 certificated commercial service airport located in southeastern Massachusetts and is a transportation gateway to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.
Runway 14-32 which is the crosswind runway at EWB was at the end of its useful life with the last major rehabilitation project taking place approximately in 1977. The project scope of work included the following elements:
• Reconstruction of Runway 14-32 (approx. 5,000’ x 75’)
• Construction of a compliant RSA and ROFA on RW 14
• Installation of new runway edge lighting
• Installation of pavement markings
• Grooving Runway 14-32
• Vegetation clearing for Runway 14-32 approaches
• Installation of gravel access road from New Plainville Road to the Airport
• Installation of new concrete encased duct bank
• Installation of new and/or replacement of existing guidance signs
• Aeronautical Study for Runway 14-32
• Environmental Permitting
ASG was responsible for completing the design and construction/project management for this $8.3M construction project.
New Bedford Regional Airport – Purchase of ARFF Index B Vehicle
The New Bedford Regional Airport (EWB) is an FAA Part 139 certificated commercial service airport located in southeastern Massachusetts and is a transportation gateway to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.
Prior to the purchase of the new ARFF Index B truck at EWB, the previous ARFF truck was built in and in service since 1991. ASG worked closely with the EWB Airport Management Team in developing truck specifications utilizing FAA Advisory Circulars and providing project management services throughout the project. The new EWB ARFF Index B Truck was delivered in August 2019 at an approximate cost of $654K.
Orange Municipal Airport – Reconstruction of Taxiway D
The Orange Municipal Airport (ORE) is public-use general aviation airport located in north central Massachusetts along the Route 2 Corridor and is important transportation asset to the region.
Taxiway ‘D’ was ORE’s third runway which was converted to taxiway use many decades ago. The intent of this project was to reconstruct a proper 35 foot wide taxiway to current FAA design standards and remove the outer pavement and convert it to turf. The Reconstruction of TW ‘D’ also included the following project elements
• Reconstruction of Taxiway D (approximately 2,500 ft by 35 ft)
• Grading and drainage improvements
• Installation of airfield signs
• Installation of new electrical vault
• Installation of Pavement markings.
ASG was responsible for completing the design and construction/project management for this $2.0M construction project.
Beverly Regional Airport – Rehabilitate Runway 16-34
The Beverly Regional Airport (BVY) is a public use general aviation airport located in northeastern
Massachusetts and is a key gateway for business aircraft accessing the Boston metropolitan area.
The Runway 16-34 Rehabilitation project was designed to replace the keel section of the runway as the last major rehabilitation of the runway took place approximately 33 years ago. The contractor proposed to substantially complete the 45 day project in 72 hours working around the clock. The contractor completed the project within the 72 hour work period. The project scope of work included the following elements:
• Rehabilitation of Runway 16-34 (approx. 4,500’ x 54’)
• Grooving Runway 16-34
• Installation of runway pavement markings
ASG was responsible for completing the design and construction/project management for this $1.4M construction project.
Taunton Municipal Airport – Installation of Wildlife/Security Fencing Project
The Taunton Municipal Airport (TAN) is a public use general aviation airport located in southeastern Massachusetts and is a key access point to various industrial parks located in the region.
This important safety enhancement project was designed to reduce the wildlife activity on the Airport as identified in the Airport’s Wildlife Hazard Assessment and Management Plan.
The project will involve the following elements:
• Fence removal and installation
• Clearing
• Environmental Permitting
ASG was responsible for completing the design and construction/project management for this $367K construction project.